Your Opinion: Don't draft women

Tom Ault

Jefferson City

Dear Editor:

The draft should not be enforced on our ladies. Should that be their desire to join the military, so be it, but to have it thrust upon them thereby limiting their motherly instincts is not the answer. While I found nothing in the Bible directly related to the subject of women being drafted, I believe that the role of the female species is addressed, and it does not include fighting, killing, or disgracing God's original purpose for them. Many countries have acted toward women improperly through drafting them and have actually eliminated their rights rather than expanding them.

God gave us man and woman and the land we occupy. We were given beautiful land when our forefathers arrived upon it. Since that beginning, we have seen fit to imprison its original people and destroy the land fulfilling a desire for monetary gain but without forethought to the end result. Our forests are being depleted, our water is becoming foul, the ground has been overworked and is now less fertile. Our "God-given" air is being contaminated and then rehabilitated to be sold back to us. The rights of the land were removed when the responsibility of caring for it was abandoned for profit.

Are we destroying our freedom just as we did the land? Our politicians have defined equality to mean all people. Men, women and children should have equal rights. Rights must be earned, they cannot be given by anyone! The wonderful women of our country were a leading force in initiating and protecting our family values. (Female animals still instinctively take care of their young first and foremost). Now, through advertising of supposed needs, we have pushed females to believe in the value of "I" and "me." We are pushed daily to believe that family is far less important than a job, community leadership or family togetherness. Too many believe training their youngsters to be loving, honest, and giving adults is something for the school or some other facility to teach them.

Income has become the first priority in many households. Holding a high-paying job, being in the military away from family, being away from the God-given motherly instincts, being away from that which defines womanhood, does not make our country strong! Let's, instead, have a return to family relationship and responsibility. There should be no military female draft!

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