Your Opinion: Who taught us?

Sue Bower

Jefferson City

Dear Editor:

Who taught us to disrespect our parents? To make fun of the disabled? To take illegal drugs? That it was OK for little girls to wear makeup to look "sexy?" To not do your homework? To wear jeans that showed your butt cheeks? To hate your neighbor? To threaten others? To play your music too loud? To break into a business and burn and steal and destroy? To call people names without even knowing them? That revenge is sweet? That tripping people is funny? That not working for a living, lying that you had applied for jobs and taking government money was a legitimate way of living? That wearing clothes cut down to "there" does not encourage men to ogle/desire to do bad things to women? That someone else is always to blame for my mistakes? That cheating is only bad when you are caught? That stealing from a relative doesn't count? That "Me" always comes first? That children have the right to make adult decisions? That taking God out of school makes us better citizens?

Who taught us that giving a ride to a person is good? That giving money to a beggar is a good thing? That donating to a charity teaches love? That visiting a sick person is a kind thing? That cooking for the Salvation Army is rewarding? That reading to a child is helping that child grow? That working hard and doing your best always are valuable lessons for a child, parent, employee? That family comes first? That true friends aren't afraid to tell you the truth? That wives should respect their husbands? That children should obey their parents? That too much of a good thing (food, toys, clothes, freedom) can spoil and despoil a soul? That two wrongs do not make a right? That the 10 Commandments create a great society? That looking in a mirror means more than checking our makeup/hair? That giving a hand means more than applauding? That learning from mistakes is better than having egos increase from successes? That law is order - always? That fear of dying and fear of living are equally bad? That God loves us all regardless of skin color, IQ, income, address, attire, religion, age or occupation? That we are not smarter than God when we fail to love? That perhaps we do not know everything?

Do you know?

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