Your Opinion: Pence was on point

Clayton Hill

Jefferson City

Dear Editor:

Who won the VP debate, and does it matter? Harris did not win, and her importance is directly related to Biden's shortfalls. The president, even in recovery, is most focused in national causes.

VP Pence was on point, precise, and has a clear vision of the president's agenda and the national and world issues in front of them. Harris appeared weak and hell-bent on interjecting lies, conjecture, talking points of previous MSM "hit jobs," and gotcha innuendo. Lies included the president' insinuation that he has not rejected far-right racists, the calling of our soldiers losers, the claim that the president only paid $750 in taxes, and the false narrative toward not supporting efforts toward climate change - including causing forest fires and hurricanes are some of the examples reinforcing my statement. Harris also failed to answer any questions put to her that would pin the Democrats to their far-left agenda - such as court-packing, elimination of the filibuster, the Green-New Deal or fracking.

Will there be another presidential debate? - hard to tell at this point, but it appears that since Pence "cleaned her clock" at the VP debate, the "Dems" are reaching to minimize further embarrassment. A virtual debate really will not accomplish what we citizens need to see. In the last debate, as bad as it was, former VP Biden dodged the obvious while both were excessively argumentative. Wallace showed his true colors too. He was in Biden's corner -plain for all to see. It also appeared that Biden had a hidden "wire" beneath his right lapel such that he could answer questions as being coached (Reference: FOX News clip "Trump Blasts Biden Over COVID: He'll Close Down the Whole Country; frame 1:44, he adjusts device over right shoulder; frame 1:47, wire briefly appears under lapel). In a virtual debate there would even be less validity toward objectivity and original thought by Biden. Plain and simple, Biden is not playing with a full deck and cannot be entrusted to head our nation.

What bothers me most is that Biden's shortfalls and apparent mental health decline is not a point-blank disqualifier to this electorate. Patriots have given their lives in support of our Constitution and the government, freedom, liberty and justice it protects. Their graves are scattered over the entire globe. Once said, "if history is not learned, we are doomed to repeat it."

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