Your Opinion: It is over

Tom Ault

Jefferson City

Dear Editor:

Yes, the election is over. The dreaded day has come for some and the day of excitement and joy has come for others. This is the way it has been for many election years and will probably continue to be for many more, but let's hope with more intelligent thought, understanding what it is really about, and less hatred manifested on the candidates.

It does not make any difference which candidate won. It does matter how we respond to the elected person. Four years ago, a hatred started and never stopped. Was it founded in a concrete, dyed in the wool realism or was it just a retaliation because the losing side could not handle it? Perhaps we may never really know the truth, but regardless of that let us not do it again! If we find the wrong choice was made, rather than cause the seething of yesterday, let's use the intelligence of tomorrow by using the lesson learned.

As I write this, I still not certain who the winner is. I do know that a lot of voting took place, on both sides of the fence, based on propaganda, ignorance of the facts, and about the outward appearance of the many rather than the interior investigation of the person

Your opinions and my opinions may vary, but it is up to us to put our country above our assumptions, make a special effort to watch for the results, and then react in an orderly, intelligent manner to see to it what we really want to achieve gets achieved but not through violence, hatred, assumed outcomes, or hating the direction that the majority has desired.

Let us return to the Christian nation this country was found on, and disregard the remark made by a past president that we are "No longer a Christian Country." We must be a Christian country and remember how our forefathers designed our constitution, our laws, and how our ancestor's lives gave the shape of our lives today. Of all the world, we have been the envy, not the downtrodden that so many today seem to believe we are. It is time to pull up those bootstraps, get to work, and stop relying on someone else to provide for us.

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