Your Opinion: Any positive virus coverage?

Jason Hull

Jefferson City

Dear Editor:

Thank you to the News Tribune staff for working hard to keep us informed of the latest virus updates in the community, state, nation and world. I am one of the people who turns to the newspaper for my news instead of radio, TV or internet. Where is the positive news about the virus? How about news stories about how many people have recovered? Or an in-depth story about how the virus is not a serious threat to most people?

Is it because if people know the virus is not a serious threat to much of the population (people under age 70 with no serious health conditions), they will not live in fear and stay isolated in their homes? A friend said to me: "I would like to know which communist country I live in now because this is not America." I would lower the degree of the statement, but it does make a point. The public should be able to read the true and balanced coverage of the virus.

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