Your Opinion: Foolish for voting for Trump?

Mike Barnhill


Dear Editor:

No you are not, because let's face it, Trump can be very convincing. But then again, aren't all successful liars very good at convincing people to believe in them or use their product? Whether it's a religious show host, new wrinkle remover, weight loss program or replace your hair back to your youth they almost all eventually fail to meet their claims. Sure, Trump had some successes like the assassination of an Iranian terrorist, communication with North Korea (to what end is the question) and lowering of taxes. But in comparison, a clock that has the battery taken out can tell correct time twice a day.

Trump is using his power through Attorney General Barr to release "liars" like Lt. General Flynn, Paul Manafort while Michael Cohen (Trump's trusted lawyer) isn't. Wonder why? You're kidding, right?

I'll risk a comparison here and hope it doesn't anger you. All that Trump has said he's done to "Make America Great" compared to the disharmony he's created in this country should demonstrate he's not qualified to lead a horse to water. If a person still believes Trump is the answer to America's problems then a comparison is needed. Those same believers in Trump, "Think we should still be fighting communism in Vietnam and should never have gotten out." The end result would have been just like in Afghanistan we'd still be sending sons and daughters there with no peaceful end in sight.

Some of you will enter the voting booth or mail-in with the idea of, "I'm afraid of another change and would rather keep things as they are." That idea can give us four more years of Trump loading the Supreme Court with one-way thinking judges Creating more national debt, of course who cares anymore? Alienating every country that was once allied to America. And creating even more hate and discord between races and political parties.

Please reconsider your desire to continue insanity in American politics kick Trump back to where he's best taking risks with other people's money in property development.

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