Your Opinion: Climate change is about money, profit

Nelson Otto

Jefferson City

Dear Editor:

I just watched Michael Moore's "Planet of the Humans" documentary. I firstly would never expect in my life time to ever think of promoting one of Michael Moore's documentaries but here I am. It took so long for people to realize what climate realists have been warning people about for years. We were made fun of and treated with ridicule. We were told that we were stooges of the Koch brothers and big oil. This documentary blows the lid off of the lies of the green movement and renewables. It shows the Koch brothers are actually a part of the factories making solar power plants. It shows the massive investments and profits being made by the very energy companies we were accused of serving. So who are the real gullible people out there? It shows what we've been saying about solar panels and wind turbines and the damage they do to the environment and the CO2 that is emitted during their construction.

We have been warning people about these issues for years; watch this video and learn of the destruction we have been warning about. It shows how so many green and environmental groups have been fooled over and over again. Look at how Al Gore set himself up to make huge profits then produced his movie about climate change. He is laughing all the way to the bank.

We tried to tell you, we tried to warn you, but you all just made fun of us and called us fools, uneducated, deniers and pawns of big oil. Well if you won't take the truth form us maybe you will finally listen to your beloved Michael Moore.

Wake up people this green movement, climate change is about money and profit and it is time you realize this. We need to support young entrepreneurs like Taylor Wilson who is working on refrigerator-sized, safe thorium reactors that can generate electricity from around 20 to 85 years without being refueled. We need real science to save our planet and not destroy it with the green nonsense.

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