Your Opinion: 'Hate Trump' letters getting old

Donna Bernskoetter

Jefferson City

Dear Editor:

I have gotten to the point where I rarely read the LTEs any longer. The first thing I do is look at who is writing the letter. If it is one of the two men who write the same old "Hate Trump" letters (you know who you are), I go on to another section of the paper. The letters are full of sarcasm and hatred for our president, and I don't find them a bit humorous - though you make an attempt to be rude and offensive in a comical way.

Is there any good, positive something - anything - going on in your life that you could share it with the readers? Do you have any gratitude whatsoever for anything in regard to how our president is running our country, or how grateful you are for living in America? If you have nothing good to say, I would ask you to please stop your negative and disrespectful rambling. It's getting very old! Perhaps you could find another hobby - besides writing.

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