Your Opinion: Abandon colonialism?

Dale Reichel


Dear Editor:

You know, it seems to me that our nation could abandon colonialism and just give Iraq, Afghanistan and Israel statehood. With all the money and death we have invested in these countries it would seem an option. After destroying their countries (not Israel, of course) they may not want to be Americans. I am like Mr. Barnhill. Iran may get a nuke from North Korea. If I were Iran I would buy as many nukes as I could from anyone. As North Korea knows it is a deterrent against U.S. aggression.

No, no, no, I'm not on North Korea's or Iran's side. It's just the U.S. destroyed North Korea once and our government has been salivating over Iran for a long time. "We must control!"

For sure our government's arrogance has not brought American democracy to the Middle East. Our super military hasn't worked too well. War is not a democracy making most of the time for sure. Will we ever learn? Who was it who said, "He who lives by the sword, dies by the sword?"

Nelson Otto, I'm glad you enjoy my letters. As far as narratives, right-wingers never match the facts either, too much conspiracy, too much ideology, no, realism.

Hey, nonprofit health care is good.

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