Your Opinion: Vote Dems out

Charlotte Schnieders

Jefferson City

Dear Editor:

The reason Trump reversed Obama’s December 2016 gun policy was because it overwhelmingly discriminated against veterans. The rule stated that a Social Security or Veterans Affairs recipient would be declared mentally unfit if a payee helped managed their benefits. No hearings, no medical assessment was required to restrict their gun purchase, only having any kind of disability, even if not mental. Throughout the Obama years, he intentionally hurt the military with sequestration, unreasonable rules of engagement and prosecutions of soldiers doing their job. This forecast what will happen to our Second Amendment rights, as Democratic candidates announce their plans for a mandatory gun buyback, which is confiscation. Do they think murderers will abide by any laws they make and will they also ban vehicles, pressure cookers, machetes, swords, hammers, axes, knives etc., all used for murders?

Obama started a “war on police” verbally chastising them when any African American was killed in the course of doing their jobs and confiscating riot equipment. Even though courts exonerated police, the prevailing action was lost of employment and totally disrespect leading to lawlessness and record numbers of police murders.

If Democrats are truly worried about violence, why do they plan to decriminalize crossing the border illegally, which is “open borders,” do away with I.C.E and border patrol agents and offer free healthcare to illegals? In 2017-18 there were 100,000 assaults, 10,000 sexual assaults and 4,000 deaths done by illegals in the U.S. The 85,000 MS-13 and M-18 gang members that caused 14 murders a day in their countries, will infiltrate the U.S. to distribute 90 percent of narcotics which flows through Central America. Democratic politicians provide sanctuary for criminals and homeless creating tent cities bringing in previously eradicated diseases, drug needles, passed-out bodies and defecation on our streets — is this the America we want?

We must take back our schools. In January 2014, Obama adopted a race-based discipline quota and threatened schools with defunding and federal investigations if expulsions weren’t lowered. Attacks on teachers, fighting, thefts, drugs, alcohol soared but over 36 percent violence went unreported so schools could receive bonuses.

Democrats are systematically destroying our country, show no accomplishments, furthering the debt with socialism enticements and costly/corrupt investigations, so China, Iran and Russia can destroy us. We must recognize this war on America and vote Democrats outs.

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