Your Opinion: Sinister element in current politics

Wanda Roam

Jefferson City

Dear Editor:

There is a sinister element moving under the current of politics in America today. It’s an agenda to divide and conquer. There is a constant drum beat to pit liberals against conservatives, to erase and rewrite history in order to indoctrinate the younger generation into hating America’s accomplishments as if they were all predicated on the wrongs done to the native Americans and the African American slaves. There is good and evil in our world and America has had its share of evil, but has made progress in a lot of ways for the good of even those who were oppressed and misused. Trying to erase or embellish history does not make anything better and only leaves the door open to repeating or worsening those mistakes.

For the first time in my lifetime, we have a POTUS who was never a politician and who thinks outside the box. He thinks loudly and spontaneously and sometimes makes me cringe, but at least we know what he’s thinking. He’s not sticking his finger into the political winds or consulting his advisers about what would be politically expedient. As a businessman, he always expressed his dissatisfaction with the way our government has worked to appease other countries to the detriment of the American workers and citizens and still he was loved by the Hollywood elites and those who shout their hateful accusations ad nauseam at him now.

Then he was not a threat to those elites or their careers of enrichment via their special interest groups. Now, it’s a totally different story and one that gets crazier and more fanatical every day. Liberals are praying for a recession, World War III, just anything that will get this interloper out of their way. Socialists have overrun the Democrat Party, which sold its soul to the devil by booing God out of their platform in 2012. When God is pushed out, evil rushes in. Now there are Muslim congresswomen who are openly opposing Israel in support of the Iranian supported Hamas controlled Palestinians. Palestinian isn’t even an actual race, but convenient in the lie to declare evil Israel as an occupier of “Palestinian” territory. This land was given to the Hebrew people by God to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and declared that it would always be their land. Those who bless Israel will be blessed and those who curse Israel will be cursed. Praying blessings over Israel.

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