Your Opinion: Have any of us learned these lessons?

Sue Bower

Jefferson City

Dear Editor:

1. That even we Christians have devolved into name calling putting politics before God and others.

2. That we have forgotten our nation fought socialism and communism and their lessons: If all people are paid the same, get the same of everything, etc., and there is no room for advancement and improved standards of living, that the people will cease putting forth their best effort and everything will decline. That even in such entities, the leaders and hierarchy will have the better lifestyle that can always evolve into a dictatorship, etc.

3. That if I were a mother living in a crime-ridden and dangerous place, I, too, would do everything possible to get my children out.

4. That Mexican cartels are using people as pawns to advance the cartels’ influence and crime into the U.S. to make themselves richer.

5. That the Bible said there will always be poor and rich people; that if a person does not work, that person should not be fed; and that each of us needs to be find peace and happiness in our niche in life. Not all of us are geniuses, the best athlete, performer, creator, etc. We have to learn to accept where we fit in life and to do the best we can in that place for God, our families and ourselves.

6. That politics is a game whose rules involve spinning false narratives, elevating anger into action, utilizing prejudices and personal grievances for the sake of advancing whichever party — not for working together to solve problems.

7. That politicians teach us not to rely on ourselves to solve our own local problems, but to depend on varying governmental entities to remedy them.

8. That some would have us believe our Constitution is outdated, not an honored road map that created the greatest nation in the world.

9. That instead of learning from the diverse lessons of civilizations over recorded history and striving to rectify, through hindsight, the mistakes of expansionism (procuring goods, slaves, natural materials, land, riches, subversion of the weaker sex, captured people, and the uneducated) so we will never again make the same mistakes, so many of us seek to blame today’s generation for past sins instead of forgiving the unchangeable past and moving on to ensure we and tomorrow’s generations can advance the dignity of all people.

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