Your Opinion: The decision to abort

Sue Bower,

Jefferson City

Dear Editor,

Abortion. Is it a hard, gut-wrenching decision or a casual "oops, I goofed again" inconvenience?

Bringing a child into today's world, even in the USA -- a country filled with so many advantages and charities and opportunities ­-- can be a moment of soul-searching fear, unimagined responsibility, self-sacrifice and a moment of immortality.

Some of us are lucky enough to think before indulging ourselves in the act of procreation. What if? Some of us are -- dare I say -- irresponsible, and who bears the weight of a rash act: the child, the mother, the father, the mother's parents, society?

Surely, in today's scientific world, there is a way to neuter those women who "never want to be a mother." Regrets? There are safeguards galore, so what is the excuse for not using them? Who are these people advocating for abortions even in the ninth month? Those who put "my body" before rational decision-making, prevention, and sane peaceful negotiations or those who push the nuclear button, exercising power, egotism and self-gratification -- Putin-like disregard for the incumbent destruction of family, morality and self-regard. But this comparison is too diabolical, right?

It is trite to say, "I seek to save the lives of the next Einstein, Mother Teresa, Elvis, JFK, Nobel, Michelangelo.? I seek to save the best of humanity, the child next door, my daughter with Down syndrome, the man who sees good in you, the donor of your kidney, the scientist who cures the incurable. Why does abortion bring with it so much hatred, threats and judgments? Why not tears and alternatives and TLC and forgiveness?

The decision to abort has always belonged to the mother. The shames of the past have become the banners of equality today. Our headlines teach our children it is okay to kill via pill or doctor or guns or bombs. Those who use guns or bombs become household names. Would those who abort want their names published for all to see? Yes? No? Why not? I understand there are reasons to abort, and I feel for you. But "oops" and "I forgot to take the pill" are not justifiable.

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