Your Opinion: Interpreting the news

Tom Ault

Jefferson City

Dear Editor:

Sometimes you find so many things to write about that your mind becomes entangled in a mishmash of fact versus fiction. Just reading the paper sometimes lends to that mismatch of fact and fiction including news and comics, and a dozen other equally non-essential pieces of information.

For instance, consider these things:

1. Should we feel sorry for the Pelosi family that will be left behind when Nancy goes on to her creator? She will, if she follows her own directives regarding our government spending, have maxed out her credit cards, lost her home to closure, have old cars only as her credit will be ruined, given all money and assets away with no knowledge where they went and eliminated all possibilities of her offspring having anything to inherit but debt. (In the event any money would be there the government would take it.)

2. We will have no offspring! Many politicians appear to favor abortion over life with safety in controlled relationships only. Eventually, this direction in governing could lead to government-authorized children only. (China-20th century) Following this new trend being authorized, we will have pleasure palaces instead of churches, frivolity instead of sincerity. A world lost to desire instead of service to others or caring for our neighbor. The new meaning of existence will be jobs given by the government at their discretion, entertainment dictated by a government agency, and sinful activity the more acceptable direction for enjoying life. Of course, all of our movements will be under the microscope of the government.

3. Headline today, "More than 80% of Missouri Children have lead in the blood." Soon there will probably be a new headline, "More than 80% of those with government handouts rather than jobs will have lead in their?" You may fill in the question mark.

4. Finally, I notice that the rate per pound for the old steamship delivery system is described at $.01 per pound. If the shipping cost for a bag of flour was $10 from St. Louis to Fort Benton (which today is in Montana), the bag must have been terribly large. I now understand why the old steamships only lasted approximately two years if they transported many bags of flour.

In closing, it is necessary to disclose that all facts presented in this brief opinion are based on our news media and my poor understanding of it all.

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