Your Opinion: Cal Thomas wrong about what's destroying America

Ed Steinmann

Jefferson City

Dear Editor:

Cal Thomas, in his column, "Destroying America," asserts our southern border problem with its influx of immigrants will destroy America.

Southern border security is a serious issue, no doubt, but it's not what is destroying America. That problem is fixable, but not by separating children from parents and putting them in cages for extended periods of time.

Mr. Thomas should have focused his column on the Big Lie that the 2020 election was rigged, that Donald Trump really won. Should have focused on specific issues such as the Georgia voter suppression statute and similar Trump-GOP-driven, state statutes whose purpose is to give an advantage to Trump-GOP candidates, including, I've read, efforts to control state and local election officials and the election certification process itself.

In a previous (inflammatory) column, "DeSantis is standing up to the weenies," Thomas condemned the mandatory wearing of masks in schools and elsewhere and extolled a constitutional right not to wear them.

Never mind not wearing masks in schools and elsewhere during a pandemic results in the death/sickness of children and others. Is the word "immoral" too strong to describe that column given it's the type of reality-denying "thinking" that has resulted in the deaths of more than 700,000 people in this country?

The biggest threat to this country isn't the southern border situation, it's Donald Trump and his enablers. Including columnists like Cal Thomas.

Donald Trump is a man with no empathy, which is the fundamental characteristic of sociopaths and psychopaths. They tend to destroy whatever they touch. In this instance, it's this county that's being destroyed.

Mary Trump, a Ph.D. psychologist, described her uncle as the world's most dangerous man. She knows him well; she's correct. Again, it is he and his enablers who are destroying this country, not immigrants.

Readers of the News Tribune would be better served were the paper to publish columnists far wiser than Cal Thomas.

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