Your Opinion: Without Social Security, many would suffer

Dale Reichel


Dear Editor:

Let's not forget the Tulsa massacre in 1921, it is the 100-year anniversary. Of course, there are more, many more times when violence and terrorism were placed on Black Americans.

Also, remember the holocaust as someone called it of the American Indians. It resembles the tyranny on Palestinians, very similar.

White people don't like to remember these things, many don't. History repeats itself, unfortunately.

What would seniors do without Social Security? Many, probably most people, have had low wages for years, all their lives. Most can't afford to invest like the rich. Most workers can't invest in their retirement. It is hard enough raising a family.

Many people don't have a "good" education or needed skills. Look at how our economy goes up and down, a war, a pandemic, whatever else comes along.

Maybe Social Security wasn't meant to be a permanent thing, I'm not sure. But without it, many would suffer and be in worse shape. I say Social Security is worth it.

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