Your Opinion: Russia still working to bury us?

Mike Barnhill


Dear Editor:

Few readers of "We will bury you" will remember reading or hearing those words spoken in 1956 by Russia's first secretary of the Communist Party, Nikita Khrushchev. He was later condemned by the world and even his own Communist Party for creating a war-like atmosphere between Russia and the United States.

In 1963 as premier of Russia, he clarified this statement with an explanation. I once said, "We will bury you" and got into a lot of trouble with it. Of course we will not bury you will a shovel. Your own working class will bury you. How's that working for ya?"

Khrushchev was later ousted as premier of Russia in 1964 for his thoughtless outbursts. But over 50 years later and with the aid of hindsight, could he be right? Could the current premier of Russia, Vladimir Putin, perhaps have picked up Khrushchev's playbook? So far, Russia hasn't been able to scare us and NATO with intimidation of larger armed forces in Europe. They haven't been able to outspend us in the pursuit of nuclear weapons. They haven't been able to out produce us economically. So what's left to do?

How about influencing our presidential elections and creating so much discord in America as witnessed by the past Mueller Report and the current Trump impeachment trial? That seems to be working rather well, wouldn't you say?

The working class that Khrushchev spoke of isn't clear on who they are. Let's just say they are the people who actually do the work in this country and keep it going day to day. Farmers, assembly-line workers, convenience store workers, truck drivers and all who are so busy earning a living and caring for their families they have little time to dissect Republican or Democratic political theories. How are they to find the wisdom in refusing to vote for a political party that promises "steak but only delivers sizzle?"

The voter will often spend more time finding ways to avoid taxation than making an effort to understand what their party is attempting to do or change. No wonder voters give up and feel like "Why vote at all, they're all crooked?"

Isn't this exactly what Russian leaders want? Just like in Russia, a bunch of sheep led by cunning wolves to be first sheared then devoured. Wake up America and start "fact checking."

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