Your Opinion: Who represents “we the people?”

Tom Ault

Jefferson City

Dear Editor:

It would be nice if we could say that we have come a long way, with respect to our dealing with each other, but that would absolutely not be a fact.

For years we have had disagreements with our neighbors, our friends, even our families, but even though we disagreed, we still loved, or at least liked, each other, and most generally dismissed the disagreements as not as important as the friendship.

Today, if one were to believe that the whole world is described by the actions of a few, you would believe that everyone you see on the street is “out to get you!” Guess what? The main news, whether it is from some gossip rag, or a disgruntled politician, or some person with a demented mind, seems to get the spotlight for some reason or another, becomes the center of attention, and sure enough…we all get sucked in to believe everyone is out to get us!

Unfortunately this is the political climate of today, as it was yesterday, and last year, and for the last millennium. It is a shame that we cannot learn from the past.

Today we have more luxury than we have ever had in our lifetime. I know that folks don’t want to believe it, but today’s poor folks have more than a lot of us middle class older folks of yesteryear. We all were thankful for what we had, but naturally we wanted more. Now we have more and still want more.

Our political leaders have their priorities so mixed up and are so engrossed in hatred that they are incapable of governing. If they were to spend half of the time doing what they were elected to do instead of wasting time playing in the mud if would be wonderful. Politics has always been a dirty business and probably will always be.

It is my observation that we have too many ill-mouthed, ill-mannered, and small minded politicians that have no consideration for anyone else’s opinion, what the people that they represent want, and whose only interest is actually their own welfare.

I think these misfits in our society should remember, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you!”

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