Your Opinion: Man-made climate change?

Steve Sampson

Jefferson City

Dear Editor:

From Wikipedia I found the following: “The Huronian glaciation was a glaciation that extended from 2.4 billion years ago to 2.1 billion years ago, during the Siderian and Rhyacian periods of the Paleoproterozoic era. The Huronian glaciation followed the Great Oxygenation Event, a time when increased atmospheric oxygen decreased atmospheric methane. The oxygen combined with the methane to form carbon dioxide and water, which do not retain heat as well as methane does. It is the oldest and longest ice age, occurring at a time when only simple, unicellular life existed on Earth. This ice age led to a mass extinction on Earth.” I don’t think there was anyone around that can verify that this really happened. No one wrote it down so we can verify. Of course unicellular life probably couldn’t communicate to anything anyway.

I have a question for those that believe that “man” is the reason we are seeing climate change. If man was not around, burning fossil fuels which some say cause an increase in CO2, which, allows for an increase in global temperature, where did all the ice go? Just because some so called scientists say higher CO2 levels are a cause to global warming, doesn’t mean it is a fact.

I get a kick out of listening to some that say we need to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels, and then turn on their air conditioner, watch TV, drive their car truck or boat, talk on their cell phone, or raise the setting on their thermostat during cold weather. Don’t they realize that all of these modern devices use fossil fuels? Remember that all these electric vehicles require fossil fuels in order to recharge their batteries. Why don’t these people go to either Wyoming or Montana and just live off the land like they use to on “Little House on the Prairie.” They certainly wouldn’t be going to a supermarket to buy food, because that would require the burning of fossil fuels, also.

What these misinformed individuals have bought, hook, line and sinker, is the false narrative that “man” is causing global warming, but they refuse to eliminate the use of these same fossil fuels. Most of them are using even more fossil fuels than the rest of we poor plebs.

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