Your Opinion: Gas prices raised to fund politicians

Dear Editor:

Why are gasoline prices skyrocketing this summer, when the United States is supposedly energy independent? Well, what is happening this year is the election/re-election of all the House representatives in the federal and Missouri government and half of the Missouri state senators and a third of the federal senators.

So where do you think those politicians get all that money for running for office for their do-nothing worthwhile jobs? Large corporations, including big oil and gas companies. Now do you really think these companies are using their own money to buy their politicians? I believe not. In my opinion, they trump up an excuse to raise the cost of fuel, i.e. Iran issue, Korean issue, Israeli issue, Saudi camel flagellates, etc. Then they raise the cost of fuel to generate the dollars (millions) they need to get their capital mouthpieces elected or re-elected. In other words they bought their politicians to do their bidding at the cost of the working people of this country.

On the news the other day they said gas hasn't been this high in two years. Well, two years ago was election time. Remember, political offices cycle in 2-, 4- and 6-year intervals. So next time you read or hear about a poor Saudi camel with intestinal issues, throw the BS flag and remember it's election year. So this election year, be knowledgeable and vote the deadbeat do-nothings out of office. Don't be satisfied with the crumbs from your representatives, demand more. Remember, the CEO may have millions of dollars to spend on the campaign, but he has only one vote, just like the working guy. So when you go to the ballot box, don't get your McCat killed, your Loot in a ke meir, or your skoetter Burned. Might be time for something new. Here is a little play on an old saying: Insanity is voting for the same people over and over, expecting different results. Just my opinion.

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