Your Opinion: Why, Hillary, am I deplorable?

Dear Editor:

Dear Hillary,

I am one of your deplorables. I voted for Donald Trump. I do not have a husband or a boss; when I did, neither of them would have dared to tell me how to vote. I do have a 27-year-old son, and I told him to look at Trump during the primaries.

Why you might ask? You made this personal. You called me deplorable. Tell me what I did to make me deplorable. I worked hard from childhood. As did my parents and my siblings. I raised two kids after my husband decided meth was more important than his children and me. I built a house with the help of family, friends and Habitat for Humanity. I returned to school at the age of 38, graduated magna cum laude with a MA in history. I did it while working a full-time job and not abdicating my responsibility to my children. They are both successful adults now.

Please, help me understand why I am deplorable. Is it because I believe women should stop being victims and take responsibility for their lives? Is it because I believe the new feminism is complicit in the rape culture? Your feminism makes women victims. You blame others for all your defeats. The first thing I was taught in the '70s was women needed to be responsible for their own choices. Why did that change?

Is it because I believe Americans should be the priority and not illegal aliens? I know it is not PC to call them that; but it isn't PC to call me deplorable either. Does the fact that I want hungry American children to be your priority make me deplorable?

I support the Second Amendment. Is that what makes me deplorable? You think I will be safer without a handgun for personal protection? How would you know, you have had armed security for decades? I didn't have a security detail the night someone tried to come in my window. Do you honestly think the man would have stopped if I told him I called 911? Don't you think you are a bit of a hypocrite with that one?

Please Hillary, explain to me why I am deplorable.

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