Your Opinion: One of nation's greatest strengths is our diversity

Dear Editor:

I have been wanting to say for quite a while how great it is to see women standing up for their rights against sexual abuse from employers and the like.

Women have been treated like second-class citizens and slaves, some places, too long. Now, women are coming out in more ways than one. There are many women running for office this November. It is high time to see many of these old white conservative males get booted out. I believe women will help move our nation forward, not backward.

I also love seeing kids and teens stand up for common-sense gun control. Black people and Latinos are standing up against racism and violence. People of different ethnicities and religions are standing up. People are teaching tolerance and fighting bigotry.

This is a great time for our nation. May the struggle for liberty continue. I hope this November we see a record turnout at the polls all across our land.

I agree with Hillary Clinton, one of our nation's greatest strengths is our diversity. If you are not registered to vote, get registered and vote this November and August. Tell your friends and family to vote.

I believe we can actually thank President Donald Trump for helping get everyone fired up and stand up. Justice, equality and liberty!

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