Your Opinion: You say you want a revolution

Dear Editor:

From the July 4, 1776 (C.E.) Declaration of the 13 United States of America:

"Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, -That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."

Given what's been going on in Washington D.C. - and the rest of the country and the world - I thought it an apt time to remind everyone of these ideas upon which the USA was established.

Do you feel both safe and happy? I feel neither, having observed clear evidence and experienced that all branches of government at all levels (national, state, and local) have been infiltrated and corrupted by the overwhelming desire for money and power.

Because of these failures, we cannot rely on elections to correct our pervasive and persistent problems. It is time for a second American Revolution, one founded on the principles of intelligence (comprehension) and compassion.

It must be a very different revolution from any previous attempts. It must be peaceful, non-punitive to and inclusive of those currently in power, and provide a controlled transition from today's nightmare, to a society that values the quality of everyone's life above any other selfish wish.

But how do we begin such a seemingly impossible undertaking? First we must unite, by openly declaring our unswerving devotion to each other, in every communication medium available. We must:

protect the weak and vulnerable and guard against attacks and attempts to disrupt our unity

do everything possible to prevent and dissipate violence

continue life-sustaining activities while designing and building the infrastructure for a society dedicated not to elitist, narcissistic, regressive, empathy-less, financial, and military supremacy, but to first eliminating suffering and injustice, then to fulfilling the almost unimaginably wonderful potential of the collaboration of millions and billions of truly intelligent, compassionate, and free human beings!

I know it all sounds too good to be possible. But I leave you with this thought for hope: never before have we possessed both the technology and will to progress. Let's communicate and organize. All together now, we can begin our revolution.

Thank you.

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