Your Opinion: No middle ground in politics?

Dear Editor:

Whatever happened to moderation? I am puzzled why one must be either right or far-right or they are a liberal or ultra-liberal. There doesn't seem to be much middle ground. I like to pick and choose those ideas I believe in and not adhere to one particular philosophy or belief. George Wallace would probably call me a pusillanimous pussyfooter (an expression from the 1960s meaning an indecisive person who habitually drags their feet). There are pieces of the entire political spectrum which appeals to me, however, to be such a strong advocate of a single one indicates I have no objectivity. I like to think I can decide for myself about the current issues without someone on Fox News, CNN or MSNBC telling me what to think. It is wise to hear all of the sides of an issue, but one should spend some time in quiet reflection to decide what they really believe in. Just another opinion.

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