Your Opinion: Right to Work — Forced union or freedom?

Dear Editor:

Based on yard signs, defeat of Proposition A has garnered a great deal of support - I assume from a lot of outside-state union money. So be it. Missourians will make their own decision on this question.

Unions at one time were severely needed. Immigrants and other disadvantaged were more-or-less forced to labor in mines, factories and cotton fields with little recourse - overworked and underpaid. Management and the wealthy owner-barons were totally unfair. That situation does not exist in this country any more, and unions were a good part of that change. But, unions do not exist now for the worker. They have become more of collective bargaining units concerned about control and influence.

A recent article in the News Tribune voiced the opinions of the two Democrats and three Republicans running for the 60th House District. Is it surprising that both Democrats are voting "no," while the three Republicans indicated support for the right-to-work proposition? Ms. Kerr, citing common sense and rights of individuals to make their own decisions, and Griffith, as a freedom issue. I guess I didn't look at this issue as political partisan issue, but it evidently is.

Some who favor voting no indicate that if the proposition is passed, it will lower individual wages. Is that another way of saying that some wages are too high for the value of work performed?

I support the idea of unions for the common good; they support common standards such as required training and skills in service organizations like the fire and police departments and in trades. But, they also are a reason my beer costs $9 at the Royals game. The unions are now essentially out-of-control.

I will vote in support of the Proposition A and default to the choice of individual freedom.

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