Your Opinion: Cultural appropriation

Dear Editor:

I've been reading reports concerning cultural appropriation or misappropriation. Stars like Justin Timberlake and writers like JK Rowling are just a few examples of those being accused of cultural appropriation.

The problem I see is that America is the great melting pot and who among us is not guilty of such an act. If you think you are guiltless, take in to consideration, do you put up a Christmas tree every year? If the answer is "yes" then the next question is "are you German or have German ancestors?" if the answer is "no" then you are guilty of cultural appropriation from the Germans. Do you serve Egg Nog at Christmas? If yes then "Are you French or have French ancestors?" If "no" then you are guilty of cultural appropriation from the French. The same goes for hamburgers, bratwurst, French fries, nativity scenes and so much more.

We as Americans take all of these for granted and all of it has been taken or more importantly shared and integrated in to our culture from others. Nothing shows respect and appreciation of diversity than sharing one's valued cultural traditions. Also may I suggest that people take the time and look up some of the things we as Americans take for granted and learn their origins and history. You might find our culture is richer and far more diverse then you could ever imagine.

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