Reader input sought for Opinion Page

Please allow me a brief introduction, as your new Opinion Page editor.

I've worked at the News Tribune since graduating from college in 1991, first as a reporter covering first City Hall and crime, then county government, then state government and the Missouri Legislature. As an editor, I've edited and designed the Sunday News Tribune and Escape section for nearly a decade. For the past eight years, I've coordinated our coverage as the city editor.

Now, with the retirement of Richard McGonegal, I've accepted the position of Opinion Page editor.

As a reporter and an editor, I've strived to make our coverage mirror reality as closely as possible. I've always been eager to learn both sides of an issue, and tried not to go into any story with preconceived notions.

As an editorial writer, I pledge to do the same: parse the issue, eagerly trying to understand the different views. Then, I'll do what I haven't done in the past: determine the proper stance - apart from politics or conventional wisdom - and express it to you, the readers, as best I can.

But with McGonegal's retirement, I have big shoes to fill. I'm asking you for your help.

What would you like to see on this this page?

What type of editorial topics would you like us to tackle? Dishing out more well-deserved praise, when appropriate? Criticizing the powers that be, when needed? To what degree would you like to see editorials on local topics versus state or national topics? Would you like fewer editorials that are longer and more developed? Or more quick takes on a variety of issues?

Which columnists do you like/dislike? Do you like reading editorials from other papers across the state? Would you like to see more cartoons and fewer columnists, or just the opposite. What about local point/counterpoint columns? More local guest editorials?

Obviously, the page can't be everything to everyone. But I would like to consider any changes that would keep you, our loyal readers, while drawing in new readers. I would also like to make the page more engaging, more accessible. To that end, I hope to reach more people through social media and possibly through events that bring people together on all sides of the issue.

As Jefferson City residents, we sometimes get tabbed with a reputation of being stodgy, stubborn and resistant to change. But the people I've come to know in this town are the quintessential kind and caring Mid-westerners - people who would go to great lengths to help their fellow man and woman. So while there will be issues on this page that will separate us, my hope is that we can agree to disagree with class and courtesy.

To recap my main point, I want your input. Call me at 573-761-0251 or email me at [email protected].

Gerry Tritz - News Tribune

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