Your Opinion: Moving forward by erasing the past?

Dear Editor:

Fundamental transformation of America is to attack and destroy the very institutions that have made America the great nation it is. That includes America's history. They wish to do more than create a new political order, and insist that the only way for the U.S. to move forward is by entirely erasing the past.

ISIS has destroyed cultural treasures because they don't conform to Islam. That was one of the many things I feared if they were to get a foothold here. So many of the things that remind us of our history would be gone forever. Our own people are beating ISIS to it.

American atheists filed suit in 2011 to block display of the Ground Zero cross anywhere on the grounds of the new memorial museum planned for the World Trade Center site.

Regarding the June 2015 moment when an angry mob and South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley decided to blame the murder of nine black people at the Emanuel AME Church shooting on the Confederate flag at the South Carolina statehouse and called for its removal from the state property because it is allegedly a symbol of hate and a lost cause.

Gov. Haley added to old arguments to the question of informal censorship which takes place if no specific law covers an offense. Officials may act informally because of pressure from a private group to censor something the group dislikes.

Book burning refers to the ritual destruction by fire of books or other written materials. Usually carried out in a public context, the burning books represent an element of censorship and usually proceeds from a cultural, religious, or political opposition to the materials in question.

In an episode on "Twilight Zone," a librarian accused of "obsolescene" in authoritarian society exhorts his fascist tormentors, "You cannot destroy truth by burning pages."

"The narrative of America's history has never been solely about what happened, but how we remember what happened." - Monice Hesse, The Washington Post.

For these liberals to destroy part of America's history that goes against their agenda is fascist; it denies the very Freedoms of speech and expression that have made America in the first place.

"The Democratic Party is the party of slavers, the party of Jim Crow, the party of class warfare, the party of race baiters, the party of hate. Demolition should start there." - Stan Carter

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