Your Opinion: Hillary's hidden agenda

Dear Editor:

The Clintons in 1992 adopted AGENDA 21 at the United Nations summit. It's global comprehensive plan, if implemented in your community will take personal/home ownership rights away and control EVERY aspect of your life through regulations! This is not a conspiracy (check U.N. site or Glenn Beck video on Agenda 21). Wealthy countries like America would pay for sustainable growth throughout the globe. The International Council of Environmental Initiatives (ICEI) backed by "open society," George Soros initiates this through local levels. Disguised under various names, all Americans should get involved to stop this!

In 1995 the Clintons expanded the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) that forced banks to do low downpayments, interest-only, high-ratio loans. Acorn (Obama was a member) rioted at banks that didn't comply. Sixty Minutes fingered Clinton and indicated that economic realty follows economic policy by 8-12 years. Democrats Maxine Waters and Barney Frank thwarted Bush's attempts to change this, but Bush was blamed as the Dems like to rewrite history. Is that why history is being removed from our schools?

LBJ caved under public pressure and legislation affecting blacks was passed. Lyndon's true feelings were revealed by his comment, and I quote, "That the war on poverty plan would have these "n_g_rs" voting Democrat for the next 200 years!" To Hillary, it's all about the vote. Unemployment for blacks at 58 percent, 13 million abortions, family income down, killings from drugs up and generational welfare - 50 years and problems are worse!

Attending Concerned Women of America sessions on Common Core reveal that the Pearson Textbook Co. sold 53 million shares of Khadafi's son to introduce Islam into our schools. Please attend and learn other goals.

The Islamic term, "taqiyya" means Muslims can lie, cheat and steal to meet their objective. Neither Congress nor any president since 1979 authorized the $1.7 billion secret cash to Iran. This, plus $150 billion in released sanctions for Iran, but there's no money for our military!

Hillary acid-washed 32,000 emails and now her 13 blackberries that contained classified info are LOST! We can have laws, but if they are circumvented by a corrupt government Americans lose sovereignty - I witnessed illegals having Social Security numbers of dead people, which started happening in 2009 to win elections. If we can't expect integrity from our president, our country is doomed.

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