Your Opinion: Is Federal Highway Administration needed?

Dear Editor:

Why do we need a Federal Highway Administration? The interstate system may need maintenance but it is essentially a mature system. Let states justify, prioritize and fund intrastate highway extensions and additions. Abolish federal fuel taxes and let states raise fuel taxes as necessary to fund highway work. Are we to believe that state highway officials are incapable of collaborating with neighboring states as necessary for any interstate projects?

Why leave decisions on highway repair and construction to a bunch of politicians in D.C.? Local control of spending decisions would allow Missourians to hold state and local officials responsible for prioritizing highway project funding. (Is the repaving of 50 east of Linn the most pressing highway need in Missouri? Is it an example of the most unsafe highway/bridge condition in Missouri?)

We hear a constant cry for more infrastructure spending. What progress was made with all the spending on Obama's "shovel ready" projects? Federal spending from 2009-2016 will total $28.7 trillion, compared to $19.2 trillion during the previous eight-year period, when we were funding wars in both Iraq and Afghanistan. Who has been the recipient of the 49.5 percent increase in spending?

In 1993 federal fuel taxes were raised to 18.3 cents per gallon on gasoline and 24.3 cents per gallon on diesel. 16 percent of these tax revenues are used to subsidize mass transit rather than maintaining our highways. In 2010 $6 billion of federal highway user fees was diverted to subsidize mass transit. From 2009 to 2011 another $3.1 billion was diverted to subsidize bike paths, trails, landscaping, transportation museums, etc. When you hear a politician tell you your taxes need to be raised so that roads can be maintained ask him/her why we who pay fuel taxes should be forced to subsidize the above noted projects. Let state and local politicians justify mass transit subsidies and trails spending as standalone projects, rather than hiding the subsidies.

If more borrowing, spending and debt is justified as a means to "stimulate the economy" perhaps we should all do the same. When the bills come due at least we can all just declare bankruptcy rather than loading the debt onto the shoulders our children and grandchildren, as the federal government does.


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