Your Opinion: Issues remain up in the air

Dear Editor:

I am writing this letter in response to the ongoing issue at the JCRC Flying Field off Rainbow Drive.

How can state Rep. Jay Barnes say that no law has been broken when defending Mr. Tandy shooting at our planes and then shooting toward our pilots?

It is clear that Tandy's actions were a violation of both federal and state statutes regarding illegal discharge of a weapon at an aircraft or individual. Apparently Jay Barnes is OK with him shooting at people in a city park.

And why has Cole County Prosecuting Attorney Mark Richardson not made a decision to prosecute or not? It has been six months and nothing has been done.

The sheriff's report is very clear. The report can be found at We are concerned that letting this slide by with no accountability only allows it to happen again.

What if Mr. Tandy "gets mad" and starts shooting with a high-powered rifle? Then it will be in the paper that this horrible event took place, but back in 2016, no one cared to prosecute because of some unknown reason. There are unanswered questions concerning why no charges have been filed.

With all the shootings taking place around town, I would think this type of incident should be taken seriously. Oh, Jay Barnes is quoted in the News Tribune that "when it comes to homeowners versus hobbyists, the homeowners ought to win every time."

Watch out to those who like golf, or go to the shooting range. Jay might take you on, representing neighboring homeowners. They could be closed down, too. Of course the shooting range could be moved to the city park though, because he evidently is OKy with that.


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