Your Opinion: Response on apalling display

Dear Editor:

I want to agree with Ms. Gibson about the appalling display of Confederate merchandise that is for sale at the business she mentioned.

I also think that any place that sells merchandise with swastikas, iron crosses, or German coal scuttle helmets should be taken to the woodshed by the PC Police.

If one wants to carry it so far why not be offended by a flag that represents the backing of slavery, the systematic killing of the original inhabitants of this land, the abolishment of civil rights for German and Japanese Americans during World Wars I and II. And I do mean the current flag of the United States.

And while we are on real big issues here get behind something that really matters. Fifty or more of your fellow citizens were murdered in a terror attack this weekend.

It makes the issue of the Confederate flag insignificant.

To one and all I beg you to worry about real issues and quit this nickel and diming us to death about the bull that really does not matter.


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