Your Opinion: Absolute standards needed

Dear Editor:

Deconstructuralism is a philosophical movement and theory that basically questions traditional assumptions about certainty, ethics, identity and truth. It was introduced into academia and media in the '60s at the same time leftists essentially took over the aforementioned institutions. For this letter Democrats and leftists are interchangeable terms. Many documents were misinterpreted, rewritten or completely ignored by deconstructuralism adherents, mainly Democrats. Democrats prioritized and coordinated their assault on the Bible, U.S. Constitution and truth by whittling away at each a little piece at a time.

Included in the Bible are absolute moral truths, the Ten Commandments, guilt for sin, revelation of a transcendent God and means to forgiveness. Such used to be the foundation of Western Civilization and individual behavior. Thomas Jefferson believed that desired liberties were a gift from God not government. Democrats hated that Biblical teachings were perceived to be the foundation of liberty rather than liberties supplied by the government. Democrats also saw religion as a mental crutch believing atheism was a more rational alternative. However, Jefferson was more worried about government intruding on religion rather than the reverse.

Democrat scheming banned Bible teaching in public schools; however, now Islamic teachings from the Koran are being taught in public schools. Islam means "submit" so Democrats really understand that concept only with Americans submitting to government. Mainstream Islam includes practice of slavery, rape, lying, beating wives and children, and mass murder. Democrats ensure such are being taught in public schools but Judeo/Christian practices are not.

U.S. constitutional originalism is a casualty of the benign sounding constitutional interpretivism concept. Democrats knew that deconstructuralism theory to ignore the U.S. Constitution wouldn't work so doublespeak was used to adopt interpretivism as a means to corrupt rather than defend the U.S. Constitution.

Another Democrat caused casualty of deconstructuralism is the truth. Democrats did not have an epiphany after losing the Civil War. At first Democrats developed the KKK to terrorize blacks. Democrats grudgingly voted for civil rights legislation. When LBJ instituted the Great Society, Democrats just switched from overt racism to a subversive strategy of getting blacks as dependent as possible on government to secure their votes and labeling Republicans as greedy racists. A lie told often enough becomes the truth - Lenin

Western Civilization and society has suffered much without absolute standards of personal accountability, responsibility, behavior limits and guilt. Just try disseminating such truth in public schools.

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