Your Opinion: Angered by decline of democracy

Dear Editor:

Mr. O'Mara refers to my letter of 8/7 as "seemingly angry." I'm not seemingly angry, I'm angry! "Psychologists consider anger a natural emotion needed for survival." ( I'm not any angrier than the minutemen who rose up against the tyrannical British in the Revolutionary War and now our nation is in a war for survival as a free nation.

I'm angry about our corrupt, incompetent, unpatriotic, self-indulging politicians who are destroying our country. Right now we have a person running for office who will bow to anyone who will pay the money to assure her election to the office of president. How can she lose? She has the support our most corrupt and biased mainstream media in history and every other special interest that money can buy plus the 94 million dependent unemployed due to the liberal Democrat anti-American business regulatory and taxing policies.

I refer to a 3/31/2014 article by John V. Pallo of the Cedar Rapids Gazette: "U.S. may be in final steps of decline" ( This article includes Professor Alexander Tyler's 1787 eight steps of a democracy. It's very plain that we are in step 7. "From apathy to dependence" and heading toward step 8. "From dependence to bondage." Bondage cannot exist without a ruling class and a dependent class and that's what they are creating by their support of illegal immigration and resistance to guarantees of fair and just elections. The bondage reference for us is the same as economic slavery created by the elimination of available free market jobs ergo forced dependency.

I call your attention to a 4/13/2014 Fox News article: "Hundreds of cases of potential voter fraud uncovered in North Carolina" ( The "Great Society" was the start of the vote-buying scheme by the Democrat party to create a dependent class. This scheme has yielded a near voter majority of dependent citizens.

In order to cement the permanence of their tyrannical power they must also suppress any resistance and control the election process. This effort includes removal of guns from freedom-loving, law-abiding citizens and to assure the continued election and re-election of the elite ruling class by whatever means necessary.

God save America!

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