Your Opinion: Enraged at vitriolic cartoons

Dear Editor:

One of the first indicators that I had made a serious mistake by moving here, that the superficial charm of Jefferson City thinly veils a mighty river of hatefulness, was the appearance of Jim Dyke's narrow-minded vitriolic cartoons in the only newspaper.

His smug malicious commentary on the editorial page is something I have trained my eye to avoid, but a flurry of phone calls have alerted me to his attack on women on Mothers Day weekend. I am enraged at Jim and at this newspaper for providing him a venue for spouting his hostility toward the most virtuous people who have ever inhabited this planet.

Clearly, Jim's hard heart, warped mind, and fragile ego cannot bear the thought of women being recognized and compensated for the disproportionate amount of labor that is what keeps this world going, quite literally.

Women are but doormats and scapegoats to Jim Dyke.

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