Your Opinion: Rebuttal to Horstmann on rights, discrimination

Dear Editor:

Your May 3 edition contained a letter from Mr. Horstmann replying to my letter published April 22 where I grumbled about Ron Calzone (president of Missouri First) telling the House Committee Hearing for HB-407, (Protection of LBGT Rights in the State of Missouri) "I think that I have the God-given freedom to discriminate as a private individual against anyone I want to."

During my rant, I challenged Christians with the following point: "Discrimination against people is absolutely contrary to what Christ taught. Frankly, end of discussion. Any pastors wish to disagree with me on that point? Please cite references."

So, Horstmann thumps his Bible and provides his reference, quoting John 14.21. Well, Mr. Horstmann, you either failed to get a pretty significant memo during Sunday school, or else you are being deliberately obtuse. I don't explain John 14:21 to you here. Perhaps you should discuss it with your pastor. (Here is a hint though; this passage does not provide justification or moral authority to tell others what to believe or how to live their life, nor does it give Christians the right to discriminate against others.)

The point I was making about Calzone's proclamation "I have a God given right to discriminate...." was that it was false. If you call yourself "Christian" you do not have a God given right to discriminate.

I continue to be amazed at the hubris displayed by Christians who believe that they have the moral right and authority to dictate to others. I believe these people are in the minority; however I also believe that because they tend to be quite vocal, their influence is excessive.

The Founding Fathers of our country went to great length (and pain) to write a constitution that explicitly prohibits bias for or against any specific religion. The "Evangelical" Christians have now spent over 200 years trying to change that; trumpeting "We are a Christian Nation" every chance they get.

No, we are not. We are a secular society that respects and protects all religions: Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Zoroastrians, Rastafarians, Pastafarians, atheists, and yes, even Christians. All have the right to worship (or not) as they choose.

You ever wonder why our Founding Fathers wrote the Constitution that way? I believe it is because the Evangelical Christians liked to impose their will back in the 18th century just like they do now.

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