Your Opinion: Response to Martin on political cartoon

Dear Editor:

It's truly amazing that Joseph Martin in his June 30 letter impugning Jim Dyke's June 25 cartoon that Martin, by possibly clairvoyance knows exactly what was in Dylann Roof's mind, his motivation and his influential upbringing that would cause him to kill nine people. Maybe Martin should use those same powers so he could explain and we could understand exactly what motivates ISIS, the Columbine, Colo., shooter, the Aurora, Colo., shooter, the Fort Hood shooter, the Boston bomber and on and on.

I can tell you why. There's no reason because no liberal ideology could be advanced by the exploitation of those crimes. Right now the liberal Democrats of the nation are winning the war in their goal of dividing and conquering our nation. This division is being promoted and enabled by the liberal media as the more it happens the more news it makes, ergo the more public interest and economic benefits (e.g. a News Tribune June 19 headline "White gunman caught in killings at historic black church.").

Jim Dyke's cartoon is exactly right. When I was a boy cowboys with guns were heroes because they were always on the side of morality and law and order. Now who are the heroes? Bruce Jenner, Al Sharpton, Obama, et al. Now guns are portrayed and demonized as the sole reason for murders instead of misguided sociopaths.

Where does Martin think the nuts out there get their direction toward any morality, decency or respect for the law? It's surely not from the schools since Christianity has been eliminated from the classroom. The liberals think they can legislate fairness. That's impossible because as long as we humans have an uncontrolled mind, fairness and tolerance is only from the perspective of an individual. Democrats cannot deal with an unmanageable citizenry of individuals. They must be managed by class, race, gender, sexual orientation, etc. to gain political control.

The liberals, with the support of Obama and the liberal press, have doubled down on the attempt to force us citizens to succumb to the elimination and/or bastardizaton of history to continue to divide us. This promotion of division utilizing "fairness" as the "oh so noble cause' along with the promotion of games which celebrate immorality and promote disrespect for law and order is the tactic(s) the liberal Democrats are using to hold onto and obtain more power over us freedom loving Americans who still believe in the Constitution and the rule of law!

Keep up the good work, Jim.

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