Your Opinion: Response to Missouri First

Dear Editor:

I would like to comment on the April 16 article by Daniela Sirtori, News Tribune, concerning the House Committee Hearing for HB407, (Protection of LBGT Rights in the State of Missouri). Specifically, to focus the quote by Ron Calzone, the president of Missouri First. "I think that I have the God-given freedom to discriminate as a private individual against anyone I want to."

As an individual you are welcome to discriminate against anyone you wish by not associating with them: however, when your individual bigotry becomes company policy, it is wrong and immoral.

Were it me as a House member making a decision of whether to support HB 407, my immediate reaction to Calzone's comment would be to unconditionally support the bill. Society should have some measure of protection against this bigotry.

The website for Missouri First proudly proclaims that "This union of states was originally founded upon Christian principles," so I make the assumption that Calzone loudly proclaims his Christianity. Calzone and possibly Missouri First (if Calzone represents their beliefs) demonstrate either a pitiable lack of understanding of both Christianity and our Constitution, or an appalling disdain for them (of course neither are mutually exclusive, it could be both.)

Discrimination against people is absolutely contrary to what Christ taught. Frankly, end of discussion. Any pastors wish to disagree with me on that point? Please cite references.

Calzone does not wish HB407 to be enacted because he wishes to allow discrimination against gays to continue, period. What is the difference between priests praying for the souls of those they tortured during the Inquisition; or of what we now refer to as ISIS persecuting Coptic Christians in Egypt; and the self-referred-to Christians here, preaching hate and discrimination?

It's all the same sin, simply differing in degree. My Christian magisters taught me that Christ will care little about the degree of sin.

Missouri First's website proudly proclaims Calzone lectures on "our Constitutional Republic." What hypocrisy. Our Constitution prohibits discrimination. Our Republic fought a most bloody war to keep the Union; one result was the 14th Amendment. "Privileges and immunities" of citizens may not be abridged.

Quoting George Takai (the television series "Star Trek") "If you must pass laws that hurt other people in order to prove your morals and faith, then you have no true morals or faith to prove."

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