Your Opinion: Citizens caught in crossfire of political war

Dear Editor:

There is a war in the United States: The War In Politics. This war is not being fought to protect the citizens, but rather to demolish the political parties that are supposed to represent the citizens.

Within jobs, education and medical care (to name a few), the people of the United States are loosing their trust in the government.

Every day there is a new uproar from either side (Republican or Democrat) on what happened in the past, thus wasting time on what they could be debating to better our future.

Yes the past is an important factor to use when making policies, but when a political figure solely uses that information to degrade another party, I feel they are not doing their job from which my tax dollars are paying for.

As a college student, I fear from what this great country of ours is coming to. Not from the ethical or moral standpoint but from an economical view.

The only thing that I should have to worry about after college is finding a job, instead because the United States economy is declining and falling shorter and shorter everyday of being the top nation in the world, I have to worry about whether or not my job will be enough just to support myself.

Political parties would rather destroy one another than help stimulate the economy.

Who cares about education? Who cares about the environment? Who cares that the United States is trillions of dollars in debt?

I can tell you that politicians don't care; however, I care.

I care because this is where I was born. I care because this is where I live. I care because this is my country. I care because I think that it is time to take a stand and have our representatives' start caring in the same way I care about this country.

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