Your Opinion: Government run amok

Dear Editor:

Shaun Donovan, Obama's Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, recently gave a speech at an NAACP convention. Some of his comments: 

"For the first time ever, HUD is providing data for every neighborhood in the nation, detailing what access African American families, and other members of protected classes, have to the community assets - including jobs, schools and transit."Â 

"As part of the Fair Housing Act - for members of the protected classes - these partners have an obligation to affirmatively further fair housing opportunities."

"Make no mistake, with the HUD budget alone, we are talking about billions of dollars."

Basically this is Obama-style affirmative action. Now we taxpayers are being penalized because we have not forced local government to spend our tax dollars in a manner that would entice/subsidize minorities to move into our neighborhoods. It makes no difference whether or not there has ever been any discrimination that has kept them out of the neighborhood.

HUD is going to use borrowed money, forcing all current and future generations of taxpayers to pay the interest on the borrowed money, to reward/punish local government based on whether or not HUD thinks the local government has done enough to entice/subsidize minorities to move into a neighborhood. This is just another insane act by a government run amok.

HUD is using maps, based on the last census, to color code the racial make-up of neighborhoods. The maps color code white residents with blue dots and black residents with green dots. I guess that in the eyes of the politically correct idiots in DC it is less of a racist program than had they used white and black dots.  

Remember when Democrats thought, "Ask not what your country can do for you but rather what you can do for your country" was a great statement by John Kennedy. Obama's equivalent is, "Ask/expect government to force your countrymen (working taxpayers) to give you anything your heart desires."

Even under communism people were expected to provide their best efforts to benefit society. Under Obamanism it effort expended makes no difference, everyone should get the same, no matter how little effort they have expended. No amount of other people's money is to much to spend to buy a Democrat/Obama vote.

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