Your Opinion: Response to Smith on war

Dear Editor:

Tony Smith said in his Jan. 25 letter, "The atrocity of war itself would never be justified by Christ." Really! From the KJV Bible John 1: 1 states "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." This Word is "Jesus Christ." It was God that directed the children of Israel, via their leader Joshua, to march around the city of Jericho once per day for six days and then seven times on the seventh day, blow their trumpets, and the walls came tumbling down, which allowed the Israelites to then kill and burn everything that was inside the walls.

You sir, are so wrong in your pronouncement that "Christ would never justify the atrocity of war itself." Your analogy of abortion and war is flawed in that abortion kills a totally innocent unborn child while war is designed to kill those despots and their soldiers who desire to take with power what they can't get any other way.

The USA went to war after Dec. 7, 1941, as a result of an unwarranted attack on our homeland, by Japan. We also declared war on Germany and Italy as they were raging war in Europe. If those that think your way would have their way we would have lost WWII. As a matter of fact there would not have been any desire to have left Europe in the first place to form this great nation.

Just like any other occupation, there are a few bad apples. That doesn't mean that all the apples are bad. Except in the case of Marxist Leninists, which are all bad.

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