Your Opinion: Opinion letters provide service

Dear Editor:

Sounds like someone needs a time-out.

First there was that lady who took exception to Jim Dyke's political cartoons. I happen to like them and look forward to his insightful interpretations of current issues and events. Some of his cartoons are actually pure genius. I guess that lady just doesn't "get" them. If they bother her so much maybe she shouldn't read them.

Then there was the lady who didn't like the music selection for Capitol Caroling. Who doesn't like Capitol Caroling? She obviously attended the concert thinking that she would only hear Jingle Bells. Christmas music - Christmas. Duh. Next year maybe she will know better.

Now there's this guy who thinks that letters to the editor are annoying tirades (gadfly screeds.)

At the top of the page it does say Opinion. Many people have strong opinions and because of freedom of speech they are allowed to express them in the in the paper, on the radio, on the Internet. It is just the need to vent once in awhile.

Sometimes these letters are informative, sometime humorous and entertaining and sometimes they make your blood boil, but you don't have to read them. Obviously, that guy shouldn't read them.

I happen to feel the letters to the editor section of the Opinion Page performs a real public service. Can't you just imagine all the physical violence that is averted because people are allowed to vent in this very public forum?

On the whole the News Tribune does a very good job of providing all sorts of news to the area and I hope they continue for a very long time.

Kudos guys and gals.

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