Your Opinion: Response on Christian behavior

Dear Editor:

I feel compelled to respond to Ms Bachant's letter about what constitutes good, Christian behavior. She first quotes Matt. 25:27-40, where Jesus tells us that we should feed the hungry and clothe the naked. Nowhere in the Bible does it say, or even suggest, that we should do this through government programs. In fact

Ms. Bachant might be interested in learning more about the concept of "subsidiarity," which is the principle of handling the needs of a community through the lowest, or least centralized competent authority. It says that no higher-level agency should do what a lower-level agency can do better - and almost certainly, more efficiently. I think she is confusing Christianity with communism.

She goes on to express concern that "the rich" will have trouble getting into heaven, so we should vote for yet more tax increases for the government-designated "wealthy" to save them from themselves. How noble.

Perhaps she does not think it is enough for the top 5 percent of earners to pay 57 percent of all taxes. Maybe she is not aware that the top 50 percent of earners pay 97 percent of taxes. I wonder if it might occur to her that people who work hard enough to make a good salary ought to be able to enjoy the fruits of their labor, and then choose which charities to give their hard-earned money to?

I am personally horrified at the idea of my tax money going to support Planned Parenthood (where abortions are routinely performed) and the NEA (which allows "art" such as a crucifix soaked in urine or with ants crawling all over it). But that is exactly what happens when the federal government is allowed to distribute money. I much prefer to support local, community agencies such as the Samaritan Center and RACS because I know exactly what they do and I feel good about the impact they have my community.

As for being branded a "racist" if one does not embrace the liberal agenda of our current president, that one is wearing thin. Perhaps all of us who call ourselves Christians could use the occasional reminder from Matthew (7:3) "Why do you look at the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye?"

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