Police issue warning on energy drink

"Four Loko' a potential health hazard

Alcoholic energy drinks "Four Loko," left, and "Joose," right, are shown at a press conference in the state of Washington. Local authorities say these drinks are being used at parties because it can get you drunk faster.
Alcoholic energy drinks "Four Loko," left, and "Joose," right, are shown at a press conference in the state of Washington. Local authorities say these drinks are being used at parties because it can get you drunk faster.

It's already banned in some states, and law enforcement officials in the area are now warning the public that energy drinks containing alcohol and caffeine are a potential a health hazard.

In addition, the affects after drinking them could lead to young people being taken advantage of.

The energy drink marketed by the name of Four Loko is legal in Missouri and can be found in local grocery and convenience stores. However, these drinks have been banned in Michigan, Washington, Oklahoma, Utah and as of Monday, New York, with other states weighing potential bans of their own.

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