Your Opinion: Indoctrination nation

Larry Russell Johnson

Jefferson City

Dear Editor:

George Orwell in his novel “1984” describes a static culture, where those in power control every facet of life; a stagnant human collective is formed. Some argue that elements of his vision can be found in contemporary America, particularly in its educational system.

Liberal ideology to which they subscribe looks more and more like totalitarianism every day. This isn’t ordinary politics: It’s the hysteria preceding arguments for re-education camps.

Fundamental transformation of America is to attack and destroy the very institutions that have made America the great nation it is. That includes America’s history. They wish to do more than create a new political order, and insist that the only way for the U.S. to move forward is by entirely erasing the past. Yet our educational system is becoming more about re-educating than educating.

Conservatives are pushing for reforms that will improve our education system and work better for students. Democrats and teachers’ unions are doing their darndest to make sure they fail. Many of these low-income students are minorities, and for low-income students of any race who can’t afford to move into a better school district, vouchers and charter schools are often the only alternatives to failing schools.

Tina Trent is a blogger who addresses pro-criminal biases in the media and academia. In an April 22, 2013, post, she wrote: “Northwestern University is going to require all students to complete a course in diversity before they can graduate. Once this course is completed, students will be able to expand their ability to think critically, recognize their own positionality in systems of inequality, and engage in self-reflection on power and privilege. And what of math, science, literature and a bit of history? Aren’t the instruction of those and a few more academic courses the reason colleges and universities exist? Higher education should be about teaching young Americans how to think, not what to think.”

In his book “Hope of the Wicked: The Master Plan to Rule the World,” Ted Flynn lists the following goals to be achieved as part of the implementation of the New World Order: The destruction of Western civilization; the dissolution of legal government; eradicating nationalism and every form of patriotism; reducing the economic freedom and status of American citizens by means of graduated income taxes, property taxes and sales taxes; abolishing the right to private property, primarily by ever-larger taxation; and destroying the family, primarily through divorce, abortion and homosexuality.

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