Your Opinion: Protect Second Amendment

Wanda Roam

Jefferson City

Dear Editor:

Gun control or restrictions will not stop the evil intentions of a heart. Emotional arguments about mass shootings and the banning of semi-automatic weapons and high capacity ammunition clips as a solution is senseless. We all know whether we want to admit it or not that taking away or limiting access to guns and ammo for law-abiding citizens will do nothing to stop gun violence. Making drugs illegal has not stopped the flow of drugs or the deaths associated with it. I’m not advocating for making drugs legal; however, but where there is a will there is a way, and if there is money to be made a way will be found.

America was founded as a nation with the Judeo-Christian principles of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Our Second Amendment was given to us to protect us from the turning of our Republic form of government to a tyrannical government as much as it was to protect us from violence from individuals. Our Founding Fathers knew the propensity of human nature and governments, so they were very wise and deliberative in establishing and protecting our foundation of rights and freedoms.

This useless argument for gun control that keeps rearing its ugly head every time an act of violence happens is only putting a Band-Aid on the real problem. The heart is evil above all things. If a person is mentally disturbed or just filled with evil, the tool or weapon they use to carry out their evil will not matter. They have used vehicles, knives, swords, bombs, poison and even rocks in history to kill, tear down and destroy. There are not enough law enforcement officers in our country to keep every law abiding and innocent citizen protected from the demented determined to do harm and violence. If guns and ammo were outlawed, the criminals would have a hay day because the underground market for automatic and high capacity weapons would explode more than it already has. Look at the violence and corruption in South America with the drug cartels and gun runners. We need to adopt a different mindset and start protecting our borders, places of worship, schools, businesses and public areas like the Hollywood elites and government officials protect themselves. It’s easy to advocate to take away someone else’s protection while you still enjoy it.

Protecting our Second Amendment will MASA!

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