Your Opinion: Far left missing big picture

Larry Russell Johnson

Jefferson City

Dear Editor:

Typically the Godless left seems to present walls as a thing of the past. In fact, border walls and fences are currently going up around the world at the fastest rate since the Cold War. Walls and fences achieve their goals deterring illegal immigration, terrorism and drug smuggling when they're just one part of a broader strategy to control our borders, ports of entry, airports and cities.

Roe vs. Wade betrayed our nation's founding ideals. President Donald Trump proposed June 2018 to repeal Roe vs. Wade with the nomination of a new Supreme Court judge. Democrats responded by saying, "Because of the precedent of the time Roe vs. Wade has become part of American values."

During his State of the Union address, Trump urged Congress to pass a bill that would allow terminally ill patients to request access to experimental drugs not approved by the Food and Drug Administration. - Newsweek magazine, 2018

Talking points about gun violence don't square with the facts. Just for the record, states with the strictest gun laws have the highest number of gun violence. The far left refuses to confirm the existence of black-on-black shooting or violent criminal illegals as part of gun violence in America.

Gov. Haley added to old arguments to the question of informal censorship which takes place if no specific law covers an offense. Officials may act informally because of pressure from a private group to censor something the group dislikes.

In an episode on "Twilight Zone," a librarian accused of "obsolescence" in authoritarian society exhorts his fascist tormentors, "You cannot destroy truth by burning pages."

Teachers who advanced not only personal socialist agendas, but in many cases organized left-wing propaganda, as well as complete lack of accuracy in history, and the social sciences in the classroom. All the evils real and imagined of our forebears are laid bare and multiplied until one would believe Europeans were the devil incarnate.

The far left's big nose has been going over President Trump like a sheep in a vegetable patch. Democrats fear reform the way a vampire fears garlic. But the philosophy is the same: Don't allow people access to actual information, curb or adulterate their ideologies, cause ideological confusion, and constantly keep them in a state of strife. Liberals shouldn't complain about "paranoia and fear." They perfected it.

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