Your Opinion: Vitriol at Trump nears violent levels

Dear Editor:

The daily vitriol, vulgarity and jealousy we see and hear on TV and in social media directed toward President Donald Trump, his staff and his supporters is getting dangerously close to instigating violence and civil uprising. There seems to be no issue the Democrats will not oppose or find fault with just because their hatred of Trump supersedes their love of country or the rule of law. We cannot continue to be the "United States" of America if there is not a drastic change in the attitude and rhetoric from the top down.

Trump has caused some of this vitriol by his name calling and tweeting, but Hollywood, the resistance movement and the mainstream media have been relentlessly biased and feckless in their skewed reporting and their selective outrage when they do report on a matter.

It is obvious that the fix was in to give Hillary Clinton a pass by the FBI and DOJ in the so-called investigation of her violation of using a personal server to conduct government classified and top-secret business. The tactics used were outside the norms of any serious federal investigation. In fact, it was considered a "matter" by Attorney General Loretta Lynch, and FBI Director James Comey became the self-appointed, judge, jury and executioner in the "matter!" The higher echelon of the FBI was covering up and changing things to benefit Hillary at every turn to insure her election, while taking out an "insurance policy" in order to sabotage any chance that Trump could possibly become president.

This is what corruption and collusion looks like, but in all of this God was watching the foolishness of man. God is always watching and nothing is hidden from Him. He put Donald J. Trump in the White House in spite of all the scheming against him and in spite of all his human failings. God chooses who He will use and who will cooperate with Him to accomplish His plans. No one can thwart God's plans. I pray daily for Trump to seek wisdom and godly guidance to do what is right and lawful in God's sight and in accordance with our Constitution.

We are instructed to pray for our leaders so that we may live peacefully. It's time to pray for Trump and stop the hate, vulgar talk and jesters. The future of our nation and the next generation depends on it.

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