Your Opinion: Who should tell you how to live?

Dear Editor:

I enjoy listening to my local Catholic radio station and hearing about the Catholic take on our universe. Last night pro-choice listeners were invited to call in to explain their position. Like many people, I am not comfortable with any position on abortion. I am influenced when a worldwide church attempts to force its "divinely inspired" teaching into law. I have a bad case of Sharia phobia.

Thanks in large part to the implacable nature of the Catholic Church, I have found a measure of peace in this matter. I know from listening to and reading approved Catholic materials that the Church teaches that artificial birth control is nearly as terrible as abortion because it shows a lack of respect for potential human life. That's what they teach. So, it seems reasonable to expect that the Church will pursue the criminalization of artificial birth control as soon as abortion has been criminalized. So, looking ahead, if we don't want our choice of birth control to make us vulnerable to arrest, then we'd better kill the idea that I have any business telling you how to live.


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