Your Opinion: Right to work or free load?

Dear Editor:

If you like the benefits and wages of union jobs, be willing to pay for the processing and handling of the benefits afforded by the union. These are not freebies, they cost money and if you Freeloaders want what has been negotiated and paid for by union sweat and labor, shut up and go find a non-union job that pays the same with the same benefits afforded by these jobs. You need to go with your hat in your hand and beg some rat contractor for a job where you are treated with respect and dignity of a journeyman of what your trade is.

We do not take your money for dues. What we take is a pittance of the cost of keeping your pensions and/or annuities, vacations, holidays and any other negotiated wage to which you are entitled to. We do not expect you to join the union, this is up to you. The frees you pay are not dues, but merely secretarial fees, etc. to make sure you get what you have coming to you at the end of the day. Don't freeload on me, I have enough to carry. My job is to make sure the customer or contractor gets what they pay for.


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